Pipe Rolls

The Rolls, or Pipe Rolls, which contain the accounts of the Royal Exchequer date, as a continued series, from the early years of Henry II., though there is one roll belonging to 31, Henry I. Of these accounts three copies were made -one for the treasurer, one for the chancellor, and one (the Pipe Roll) for the king. The Pipe Rolls, so called from their being rolled up in the form of a pipe, are preserved almost complete from the year 1155. They are now being published (down to the year 1200) by the Pipe Roll Society.


Archer (T. A.), The Crusade of Richard I: 1189-1192, London, 1912.

Britnell (R. H.), The Winchester Pipe Rolls and Medieval English Society, Woodbridge, 2003.

Pipe Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy for the Reign of Richard I: 1194-5 Et 1197-8 ; Printed from the Originals in the National Archives, Pipe Roll Society, 2016.